While bobbing on the waves, participants in this PSKA outing will take in the Delta Aquariid Meteor Shower on the night of July 27th, the peak of this rare celestial phenomenon. It is typical to see up to twenty meteors per hour during this unique event. We will begin our paddle at 9 pm, which will involve a warm up …
Buck Full Moon Tour
(July 10 – 9:00 PM)
Night paddling is incredibly unique. The skies turn to orange as the sun descends beneath the horizon. While buffeted on the waves, participants in this unique PSKA celestial event tour will experience the magic of kayaking beneath the full moon. We will begin our paddle at 9 pm, which will involve a warm up paddle, pulling out our star charts …
Harvest Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse (Sept 7 – 8:00 PM)
Night paddling is incredibly unique. The skies turn to orange as the sun descends beneath the horizon. While buffeted on the waves, participants in this unique PSKA celestial event tour will experience the magic of kayaking beneath the full moon. We will begin our paddle at 9 pm, which will involve a warm up paddle, pulling out our star charts …
Canada Day Fireworks
(July 1 – 9:00 PM)
On July 1st, Canada Day, participants will be outfitted with headlamps, provided with night paddling instruction, and then will head out for a two hour expedition to take in the night sky, first by observing what nature provides on the canopy above us. Then we will ‘raft up’ to take in the spectacular annual Canada Day Fireworks Show at Gimli …
Strawberry Full Moon Tour (June 11 – 9:00 PM)
Night paddling is incredibly unique. The skies turn to orange as the sun descends beneath the horizon. While buffeted on the waves, participants in this unique PSKA celestial event tour will experience the magic of kayaking beneath the full moon. We will begin our paddle at 9 pm, which will involve a warm up paddle, pulling out our star charts …
Aug 11, 2019
[eventBox id=”11″ date_id=”322″] Also on August 11th: .[eventBox id=”4″ date_id=”323″]
Aug 10, 2019
[eventBox id=”13″ date_id=”321″] Also on August 10th: .[eventBox id=”11″ date_id=”320″]
July 16, 2019
[eventBox id=”6″ date_id=”152″]
Aug 26, 2018
[eventBox id=”6″ date_id=”234″]
Aug 12, 2018
[eventBox id=”15″ date_id=”271″] . [eventBox id=”11″ date_id=”233″]
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